Matt Foster

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Charles Russell Speechlys

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job-title-icon Solicitor

address-icon 5 Fleet Place, London
United Kingdom

tel-icon 0207 438 2106


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Matt advises clients on all aspects of family law including nuptial agreements, relationship breakdown and divorce, financial disputes and private children law.

Matt has experience of complex and high value financial disputes, including cases involving valuable business assets, trusts and other complex structures. These cases are often international and frequently involve complex tax issues. Matt has also successfully acted for clients whose spouses have sought to conceal their assets or dissipate their wealth.

Matt also advises on family law matters in the context of wealth protection and succession planning. This includes advising on and drafting pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements as well as cohabitation agreements for individuals who choose not to marry. Matt also advises on parental responsibility and the appointment of guardians for separated clients who wish to ensure that measures are in place should they die whilst their children are minors. Matt frequently advises alongside individuals from the firms Tax, Trust & Succession team to provide holistic and comprehensive advice.

Matt has a particular interest in disputes relating to children and has acted on behalf of clients on a range of matters, including disputes as to general living arrangements, relocation, overseas travel, choice of schools and change of surname. Matt has acted in a number of cases where there have been serious safeguarding risks including allegations of domestic abuse (ranging from coercive control through to physical and sexual violence), drug and alcohol abuse and parental alienation.

Matt is admitted to practise in England and Wales.


  • Acting in a number of financial cases for clients who own very valuable businesses. Several of these cases involved advising on sophisticated settlement arrangements to ensure that the business remained intact following separation and in one case it involved facilitating the sale of the business during the course of settlement negotiations.
  • Acting for a client in heavily contested proceedings during which her ex-partner sought to conceal assets from the court, tried to transfer his assets to third parties and breached numerous court orders resulting in successful enforcement action.
  • Acting for a mother in respect of contact arrangements for her young child in circumstances where there were very serious allegations being made against the father, including physical and psychological abuse.
  • Advising in respect of a prenuptial agreement for a client from a very wealthy and international family and who was a beneficiary under a number of very valuable offshore trusts.


Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)

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