Children and the law
If you are thinking about divorce or separation, one of your biggest worries is likely to be about your children: where they will live and how they will continue to have a meaningful relationship with both of you. This section looks at important aspects of how the law works with regards to your children. It also looks at the emotions involved, supporting your children through this time, managing parenting after the split and how to manage the situation if domestic abuse or addiction is involved. There is also a section written for grandparents, looking at how they can support the family during this time
Children and the law

Parenting through separation
Becoming a separated parent is not something you may have anticipated. It is challenging in so many ways and can be very daunting. This guide aims to give parents access to information and support that helps them throughout their parenting journey, through separation, divorce and beyond.
Parenting through separation
Child maintenance
Child maintenance is regular, reliable financial support paid towards a child’s everyday living costs. The parent without the main day-to-day care of the child (the parent who pays, previously called the non-resident parent or NRP) pays child maintenance to the parent with the main day-to-day care (the parent who receives maintenance, previously called the parent with care or PWC). In some cases, a grandparent or guardian can be paid child maintenance if they are the child’s main carer.
Child maintenance
Care proceedings and adoption
This section deals with information about care proceedings and adoption. It covers Children's Services, child protection plans, case management hearings, court orders and takes a look at section 20 agreements.
Care proceedings and adoptionTop tips to keep kids’ best interests first during divorce or separation
We have some top tips for parents to help keep your kids' best interests first during divorce or separation.