Mandeep Benning

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Duncan Lewis Solicitors

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job-title-icon Solicitor & Director

address-icon Duncan Lewis Solicitors, Sackville House, 143-149 Fenchurch Street
United Kingdom

tel-icon 0207 923 8520


language-icon Hindi | Punjabi

  • Resolution accredited specialist
  • Offers fixed fee interview
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Mandeep’s practice covers all aspects of private family law, including divorce and cohabitation, financial matters and disputes relating to children.

She has particular experience in financial matters, with experience dealing with high-value and high-profile cases involving complex issues, to limited asset cases that have required a sensible and swift resolution. Mandeep has built a strong reputation among her clients as a diligent, pragmatic and empathetic practitioner.

Mandeep is a member of Resolution and prescribes to the ethos of promoting a constructive approach to family issues that considers the needs of the whole family.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)

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