Feedback – online training Tell us about your experience at our recent training event or course. Course attended*Collaborative Practice ForumLunch and Learn Session 2 – Consent orders – tips and tricks for the draftspersonDomestic Abuse & SafeguardingExcellence in Communications SkillsFamily Finance ForumIntroduction to NCDR ApproachesMediation Foundation TrainingOverview of Family Finance and Pensions on DivorceNegotiation Skills for Reaching Agreements Out of CourtPPC ForumTrain the TrainerWorking with High Conflict Personalities: Insights and StrategiesOtherOther* Date of course* DD slash MM slash YYYY Training content:Please select how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement below.The training met my expectations and learning objectives Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree How was it to do this training online?This training was run online. As a new course online, any feedback specifically about what you thought about doing this training online would be very helpful.Is there any further feedback you'd like to give us about the training content?If the feedback is with reference to a specific section of the training, please make this clear.Speakers and trainersPlease select how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement below.The speaker/s were knowledgeable on the subject matter Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Were the speaker/s able to answer all your questions and concerns? Yes No Don't know Is there any further feedback you'd like to give us about the speaker/s?If there are multiple speakers and your feedback is with reference to a specific speaker or trainer, please make this clear.General commentsPlease select how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement below.The technical platform was of a high quality Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Do you have any suggestions on how the training could be improved?Do you have any final comments?