DR Committee

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The Dispute Resolution committee works across all areas of family dispute resolution, leading innovation in process and practice.

The committee aims to:

  • Facilitate the practice of DR through training, standards, best practice, support for practitioners, and publications.
  • Promote all forms of DR to the Resolution membership, the public, and stakeholders across the sector.
  • Influence policy across the sector, ensuring it is user-led and responsive to member and client needs.
  • Ensure its membership and work reflects the diversity of the Resolution membership.

They work to:

  • Provide oversight and input into the annual DR Conference
  • Develop and deliver a workshop at National Conference
  • Monitor changing practice
  • Liaise with and influence the Family Mediation Council (FMC)
  • Identify, take steps to deliver, and maintain standards and best practice
  • Identify and deliver materials and guidance for practitioners, clients and stakeholders
  • Respond to consultations, identify areas where representation or lobbying is needed, and provide representation and lobbying support.
  • Identify training needs and priorities and work with the staff team to deliver the training.
  • Liaise with external organisations wherever necessary to complete the work of the committee and build the profile of the organisation.
  • Assist other committees with DR aspects of their work.