Gemma Hall

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TeamYOU Coaching

job-title-icon Heartbreak & Trauma Recovery Coach

address-icon The Pippins
CO9 1JY,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 07368805008


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When I went through my divorce I was overwhelmed and lost in grief. I’d not just lost my husband, but a future I had planned for myself and my children. Add to that a mountain of fear, shame, and anxiety; how would I tell people, what would they think, how would it impact the children, would I have to sell the house etc. Then came the influx of other peoples opinions, and I was drowning. I’d always been ‘the strong one’, and on the surface that’s what I continued to be, but behind closed doors, I was a mess – crying daily, obsessed with checking social media and thinking constantly about the ‘what if’s”. I didn’t recognise myself any more. I’d lost my identity. I thought I was a good wife, but suddenly everything was in question.

I was lucky, I had a great network of friends and family but I didn’t want to tell them everything, or show them just how broken I was, and they didn’t really understand. As time past, and I discovered tools that helped me to heal, like EFT, I found I was able to help friends through heartbreak, help them feel less alone and that’s what brought me here.

I qualified as a Divorce Coach Practitioner and I help you to navigate the emotional turmoil of heartbreak and recreate your future.

I offer a free intro call so we can get to know each other better and then I have a range of packages from one-off sessions to 12 weeks programs.

If you need a safe space to unpack the overwhelm, then book a free call today.

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