Vijay Kumar

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Michael Hill Partnership

member-icon Member

job-title-icon Solicitor/Accredited Mediator (Civil)

address-icon Top Hat Terrace, 119 London Road, Leicester
LE2 0QT,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 07967742205


language-icon Urdu | Punjabi | Hindi

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In family law I have a wealth of experience of dealing with all types of issues that arise when marriage/family relationships break down including children, family and financial issues. I have  a very sympathetic approach and am committed to always act in the client’s best interests

Being an Accredited Mediator I am  trained to understand the psychology of conflict thus enhancing my ability to deal with conflict resolution more effectively.

As a solicitor I have gained a vast experience of dealing with people of diverse backgrounds including other lawyers, medical professionals, accountants, architects, surveyors, as well as ordinary people which requires the ability to communicate effectively and to get on other people’s level as required.

I have  had experience in  handling Human Rights and these have arisen within the Family Law context for the client’s rights to the religious upbringing of the children and Article 2 under the Human Rights Act, and sometimes Human Rights issues arise in relation to client’s rights under the law of consent and use of Advance Medical Directives, in particular those involving minors.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)

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