Sponsored session proposals: Family Law Live Conference 2020

Family Law Live Conference 2020 will be held online 23rd November 2020. If you would like to propose a sponsored workshop at this special conference, please fill in the form below.


Due to the extraordinary current circumstances, we were not able to run the National Conference in the usual way. This year we will run an online conference that’s seeks to provide Resolution members with global roundup of updates and developments in family law over the course of 2020.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your proposal prior to submitting, please contact us.

When submitting your sponsored session, please consider:

  • This conference will be run entirely online.
  • Sponsored sessions are 60 minutes. They are pre-recorded and made available to delegates on demand throughout the conference and after.

Proposals will be considered for inclusion on a first come, first served basis.

Conference: Family Law Live 2020 - Sponsored Sessions Proposals

  • Contact information

  • If applicable
  • Session information

  • This is the description which is likely to be published in the programme to advertise the session (max 100 words)
  • Please provide a brief overview of the format and content covered by your session. Please note that the session will be delivered online. It will be pre-recorded. Each session lasts 60 minutes.
  • If you have any further information or materials about the session, please attach them here. For example, if you've already delivered this session it is helpful to see the materials you prepared to deliver it.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • Session presenters

    • Please name the presenter or presenters below with bio information and or links to online bios you wish to bring to our attention.