Natasha Alsop

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Ian Walker Family Law & Mediation Solicitors

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Natasha has practised family law since qualifying as a solicitor in 2003.   Natasha has extensive experience in all aspects of family law and advises on issues of living together, including the preparation of living together agreements, pre-marital and post-martial agreements, separation, divorce, division of the family assets, civil partnership dissolution, domestic abuse and private children matters.   Natasha has experience of assisting clients who are unmarried and seek advice on property ownership and rights of occupation.

In matters involving children, Natasha is experienced in assisting clients to finalise parenting agreements and can assist clients in all applications to the court to decide where a child should live, what time they spend with each parent and specific issues that may need addressing such as a child’s schooling.  Natasha is experienced in dealing with relocation cases.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)

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