Mariko Wilson

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Family Law in Partnership

member-icon Member

job-title-icon Director

address-icon Melbourne House, 46 Aldwych
United Kingdom

tel-icon 0207 420 5000


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Mariko is a director at Family Law in Partnership. She handles all aspects of private family law and has a broad range of experience, frequently acting for high net worth individuals in financial relief and divorce proceedings as well as acting in children matters. Mariko has particular expertise in cases involving complex pensions issues, and in cases in which mental health issues are a feature.

Mariko has acted on a number of complex cross border financial matters, often advising non tax resident and non tax domiciled individuals, entrepreneurs and individuals from the financial sector. She also has experience in dealing with property claims brought by third parties and unmarried cohabitants under the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996.

Mariko is experienced in dealing with cross border private children law matters particularly proceedings where one parent seeks to remove a child from the jurisdiction contrary to the wishes of the other. She also advises on financial claims on behalf of the children of unmarried parents under Schedule 1 of the Children Act, including in a cross border context.

Mariko is also trained as a collaborative practitioner.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)

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