POD Peterborough, Stamford and surrounding region

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We meet every other month to promote positive relationships and working practices. We organise training sessions, enjoy sociable time together and discuss the latest in Resolution’s communications. We are a multi-disciplined group, comprising collaborative lawyers, lawyer mediators, non-lawyer mediators, IFAs, accountants, divorce and life coaches. We welcome new members, keen to make sure that all forms of out of court dispute resolution are promoted in our community.

Area:  A wide radius spanning from North of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Peterborough, Stamford, South Lincolnshire and Rutland.

POD contact: Lyn Brisley

Email: lyn.brisley@buckles-law.co.uk

Tel: 01733 888841

POD website: http://www.bestdivorceoptions.co.uk/