Lehna Gardiner

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Rayden Solicitors

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job-title-icon Legal Director

address-icon Catherine House, Adelaide Street
St Albans,
AL3 5BA,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 01727 734 260

mac-icon http://www.raydensolicitors.co.uk

  • Resolution accredited specialist
  • Offers fixed fee interview
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Lehna Gardiner combines her thorough knowledge of the law with an emotionally intelligent approach in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for her clients. Lehna is known for the empathy and compassion that she brings to her work, recognising that every client is unique. Lehna is adept at advising clients who are leaving high conflict relationships, including survivors of domestic abuse.

Lehna aims to assist her clients to explore the possibility of an early settlement but also has experience of taking cases to a final hearing if necessary. Lehna is a fully trained collaborative lawyer.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)

Resolution Committees

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Complex higher income financial remedies Cohabitation & TOLATA Core - Part 1

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