Cohabitation Awareness Week 2017

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For Good Divorce week 2018, Resolution raised awareness of how parents can minimise the impact of conflict on their children, calling on government to reform divorce law and sharing resources with members to support their work with separating parents.

Many thanks to all who got involved in Resolution’s 2017 Awareness Raising Week. Events were held up and down the country, seeing practitioners offer advice for cohabiting couples, call for a change in the law and provide information to key professionals working with cohabiting couples.

Surveys provided a great deal of insight into what practitioners and the general public think about cohabitation.

Cohabiting couples represent 1 in every 5 families in the UK

Media highlights

Digital highlights

  • Our Thunderclap went out from 200 accounts, bringing our message to over 100,000 people
  • Our awareness-raising video currently has over 120,000 views in England and Wales
  • We’ve had 1000 retweets and 775 likes on Twitter this week
  • Our tweets reached a potential 123,000 accounts by Thursday alone
  • Our hashtag has been used nearly 800 times across social media
  • Hundreds of members and firms have posted articles raising awareness of this issue
  • Web traffic to the Resolution website has grown 150% this week, with nearly a third of visitors using our ‘find a member’ search

Many thanks for helping us raise awareness this week. Your support has helped us to bring our message to new and widespread audiences across England and Wales.