Have your say on the future of Dispute Resolution

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We need your help to respond to the MoJ’s Call for Evidence on Dispute Resolution as it will have a significant impact on future policy development that may affect access to DR and the use of the courts.

Resolution negotiated an extension of the deadline for evidence to 31 October to give us more time to gather evidence from members on their experience of using – or referring clients to – dispute resolution.

The MoJ wants to identify what works well, what needs to be improved and will look at the feedback you provide, along with other submissions, to inform future policy proposals.

Our survey to gather evidence is now open and we encourage members, who are helping families to resolve disputes every day, to complete it by 8 October 2021.

Complete the survey >>

It shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes to complete and your response will ensure we’re presenting the views of our members to Ministers and officials as they consider future policy development in this area.

Once you’ve completed the survey, please highlight it with your colleagues (you don’t need to be a Resolution member to participate).