MoJ Invitation to Register for Cross-Examination Work

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The Ministry of Justice recently commenced new measures in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 which can prohibit alleged perpetrators of domestic abuse and victims from cross-examining each other in family and civil proceedings.

This allows barristers, solicitors and CILEX practitioners to be appointed by a court to cross-examine prohibited parties. Your skills will help ensure that victim are spared further trauma from their alleged abusers, can engage more with confidently with the justice system and exercise their rights to a fair trial.

To carry out this work barristers,  solicitors and CILEx practitioners have to first register with HMCTS before a court is able to appoint them.

Lawyers who have good experience of cross-examining vulnerable witnesses are invited to register early. Kings Counsel, lawyers on the Child Panel and Family Panel are also invited to register.

For more information and to register, please go to Registration for cross-examination work in family and civil proceedings

If you have any questions, please email:  or contact Shan Maraj on 07580 701407.

Thank you and best wishes,

Domestic Abuse Policy Team
Ministry of Justice