Resolution welcomes Divorce Bill reintroduction

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Resolution, the national family justice organisation, today (14 October) welcomed the announcement in the Queen’s Speech that the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill is being reintroduced. The body has been campaigning for no-fault divorce, which this Bill will enable, for a number of years.

Margaret Heathcote, National Chair of Resolution, said:

“Resolution is delighted that this vital Bill is being brought back, and now call on government to reintroduce it as soon as possible, so that we can finally end the blame game for separating families.

“In the last Parliament this Bill enjoyed almost universal support from across the Commons and, in the current political climate, represents a rare opportunity for the House to come together around legislation that will improve the lives of divorcing couples and, crucially, any children they will have.

“Every year sees over 100,000 couples divorce. Under the current system, many of them have to assign blame, when it makes no material difference to the outcome of the divorce itself. This Bill is an important step forward in modernising our outdated, unfit-for-purpose system, and Resolution will continue to work with Ministers, officials and MPs from all parties to ensure it is passed as quickly as possible.”