Technical fault with online divorce service resulting in overpayments

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The Online Divorce Service is experiencing technical issues which has resulted in divorce applications not being fully submitted however payment of £550 has taken via Payment By Account (PBA) numerous times.

It is believed users are getting a return  error so are submitting the application more than once which is resulting in payment being taken multiple times.

HMCTS apologises and is investigating this issue urgently but would be grateful if you could not use the service until it is resolved.

HMCTS are contacting the individual solicitors involved so that a refund of any overpayments can be arranged.

Resolution will update this article when a fix for this issue has been identified and implemented.

UPDATE: A fix has now been applied and the Online Divorce Service is back working correctly. HMCTS will be in touch with solicitors directly affected and asking them to re-submit their petition and also arrange refunds urgently where more than one payment took place.