Parenting through separation guide (single copy)

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Becoming a separated parent is not something you may have anticipated. It is challenging in so many ways and can be very daunting.

The new second edition of Parenting through separation provides access to information and support that will help you throughout your parenting journey, through separation, divorce and beyond.

It will help you make decisions and find solutions, consider better ways of communicating to reduce conflict and to understand things from your child’s point of view and your ex-partner’s point of view.

We can’t promise it has all the answers you seek, but we hope it will provide you with helpful information on how to find a constructive way forward. When parents learn to work together to support their children this leads to outcomes that are better not only for children but also for parents themselves.

The guide has been written in a way that you can pick it up and read ahead as far as you need. You don’t need to read it all at once. Dip into it as and when situations arise where you need support.

There is signposting to helpful organisations and guidance on the many confusing legal terms you might come across for the first time as you embark on this journey.

Most importantly, we want you to feel supported and understand that you are not alone.

Contents include:

  • – The end of the relationship – what does it feel like and what will happen now?
  • – What should my first steps be now that I have separated from my partner?
  • – Your new co-parenting role
  • – Communicating with your co-parent
  • – Communicating with your child
  • – Communication at handover
  • – Decision-making with your child: the child’s voice
  • – Top tips for parents who are separated
  • – Your child’s emotions and reactions
  • – Your options for finding resolution
  • – What is the legal position?
  • – What do I do if I have been in an abusive relationship?
  • – Jargon buster
  • – Resources for separating families

Purchasing multiple copies: information for family justice professionals

The guide is available to purchase as a digital download, in multiples of 10 and 25 copies

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  • Price £ 8

SKU: 4140/6-PTS2