Resolution welcomes move towards ending divorce ‘blame game’

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Resolution, the national family justice body, has today welcomed the government’s announcement of a new law to remove the need for divorcing couples in England and Wales to assign blame.

The move towards ‘no-fault divorce’ comes following a public consultation, with legislation expected to be introduced to Parliament in the next few months.

Resolution has been calling for change for over thirty years. Its former Chair and long-time campaigner for no fault divorce, Nigel Shepherd, said:

“We welcome these proposals, which almost entirely reflect Resolution’s response to the consultation, and we’re pleased the government has listened to calls from our members and others to introduce these changes.

“As someone who’s campaigned on this issue throughout my career, I’m delighted that today we are a step closer to reforming our outdated divorce laws.

“Resolution members will always try to help couples deal with the consequences of relationship breakdown with as little acrimony as possible, but the current divorce law makes this so much more difficult. With this new legislation, finally our divorce laws will be brought up to date – helping divorcing couples and, most importantly, any children they may have, avoid unnecessary conflict.”

Resolution’s current Chair, Margaret Heathcote, added:

“In my speech to Resolution’s National Conference last Friday, I called on the Lord Chancellor to introduce legislation as soon as possible to end the blame game. Today’s announcement is an important move towards that.

“We remain concerned that so much government and Parliamentary time is being spent on Brexit and other issues at the moment, and look forward to working with the Ministry of Justice and others to ensure the law is changed at the earliest possible opportunity.

“If you’re separating, and you’re faced with having to make unnecessary and unhelpful accusations against your ex on the divorce petition, there is nothing more important than this reform in the law. Let’s now get on with it, and make our divorce law fit for purpose.”