Zoe Saunders

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St John's Chambers

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job-title-icon Barrister

address-icon 101 Victoria Street, Bristol
BS1 6PU,
United Kingdom

mac-icon http://www.stjohnschambers.co.uk

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I am a specialist family law barrister with extensive experience of cohabitation disputes involving ToLATA and Applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act. I have  particular expertise in financial remedy cases involving multiple properties, trusts of land, complex pensions and insolvency. I also have experience in cases involving confiscation orders and proceeds of crime act issues and international enforcement of maintenance orders.

I also do private law children work, in particular international relocation cases or complex and intractable contact disputes.

I have been a supporter of Resolution throughout my career as an associate member and now as a full member.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
All issues

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