Saika Alam

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Branch Austin McCormick

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job-title-icon Family Law Partner

address-icon 32 St James's Place, London
United Kingdom

tel-icon 0207 851 0110


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Family Law Partner

My practice covers the whole range of family law matters for both married and unmarried couples. I specialise in resolving financial disputes both through the court process and by negotiation including through Collaborative Family Law. I also deal with financial applications through the court in England and Wales where a marriage was dissolved abroad.  I draft and negotiate cohabitation agreements and pre and post nuptial agreements. I also deal with the preparation of trust deeds for couples or other family members buying properties in unequal shares.

I deal with disputes involving children and represent clients on applications to the court for  child arrangements orders, specific issue and prohibited steps orders. I also deal with the enforcement of such orders to include seek and locate orders under s33 of the Family Law Act 1986 (which require the police to find missing children and return them to the parent with care.)

I represent clients in domestic abuse cases. This includes making urgent applications to the court for non-molestation and occupation orders, arranging for the orders to be served upon the other party and representing clients at the return date hearing.  I also represent clients who are on the receiving end of such applications and who require urgent representation at short notice.

The service I provide is both personal and pragmatic.  I will not encourage you to pursue a hopeless application. If it is possible to reach a satisfactory outcome by negotiation then I will support you in reaching such an outcome.  If that is not possible then I am proactive in progressing any court application and I will advise and assist you through that process.

If I can be of any assistance please do contact me.  I offer a half hour consultation for which I do not make a charge so that you can to get to know me before making any kind of financial commitment and I can get to know you.  Dealing with relationship breakdown is not easy. With my many years of practice I understand that a client’s experience of any court or other formal legal process is better managed by a good working relationship with their family lawyer.

I am a member of Resolution and am on the Law Society’s Advanced Family Law Panel. I am also trained as a Collaborative Family Lawyer.


Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)

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