General Election 2024: Reach out to your MP

Help us ensure that the changes we want to see to the family justice system are a priority for your MP.

The dust has settled on the 2024 General Election, and now is a great opportunity to tell your local MP about our Vision for Family Justice, and in particular our call for cohabitation reform.

Over the next few months, we’re encouraging you, our members, to reach out and introduce yourselves to your newly elected (or re-elected) local MPs and talk about the work you and Resolution do to support families facing separation.

Just as we did in the run-up to the election campaign with candidates, we’ve provided a template letter/email for you to send to your new or returning local MP.

Download the template letter

At a national level, the government and ministerial team may have changed, but our approach has not.


Play your part

  • Find out who your local candidates are

Prospective parliamentary candidates can be found by clicking the button below.  You can also try the website of your local council which is likely to have a list of candidates.

  • Write to all local candidates and ask them to support Resolution’s asks for the next Parliament

We continue to be committed to working with politicians from all parties, as well as government officials, to give you a voice in Westminster and push for the changes to the family justice system you told us were most important to you, with cohabitation reform at the very top of the list.

What are our asks?

As we look to work with our new government, it is crucial to raise and explain these issues with local MPs who can serve as champions for Resolution in Parliament.

By backing our calls for action, MPs are committing to advocate and support the following policies:

  • Cohabitation: The law relating to cohabiting partners on separation needs to be reformed.
  • Helping families to find solutions: There should be more public funding for early legal information and advice.
  • Protecting the vulnerable: More needs to be done to support and protect victims of domestic abuse in the family court, and ensure children are supported.
  • Family courts: Preventing further closures of family courts.
  • Making family law fit for purpose: Hearing the voice of the child in child arrangements proceedings and allocating more resource to the public children law system.

These recommendations are essential for improving the family justice system, reducing conflict, and providing necessary protection and support for separating couples and any children they may have.