Tiffany Constable

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KJ Smith Solicitors

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job-title-icon Solicitor

address-icon Parallel House, 32 London Road, Guildford
GU1 2AB,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 01483370100


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I am a pragmatic Family Law Solicitor with over 12 years experience in Family and Matrimonial Law. My focus is to help my client (whether husband or wife) achieve their objectives in the most efficient and constructive way possible. I can help negotiate financial settlements in medium to high net worth cases with complex issues and have experience in dealing with all areas of family law including divorce, organising arrangements in respect of children, nuptial agreements (pre- and post), cohabitation agreements, and issues relating to domestic violence. I have experience dealing with cases with overseas issues.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)
Offers arbitration for
Children issues Finance issues

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