Alison Leivesley

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address-icon 236 Gray's Inn Road, London
United Kingdom

tel-icon 020 7833 4433


  • Resolution accredited specialist
  • Accepts legal aid

Provides legal aid for

  • Family work
  • Children work
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Expertise in public and private law children, domestic abuse (including forced marriage, so called ‘honour based’ violence and female genital mutilation). Resolution Accredited Specialist in public and private law children, domestic abuse, forced marriage and honour based violence. Accredited to the Law Society’s Advanced Family Law Panel in violence in the home and private law children. Member of Association of Lawyers for Children, Legal Aid Practitioners Group, Associate member of NAGALRO

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (care proceedings and adoption) Children (divorce and separation)

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Children Law - Private Domestic Abuse Forced marriage and honour-based violence Children Law - Public

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