Artis Kakonge

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Garden Court Chambers

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Artis was called to the Bar in 2006. She has over 10 years’ experience practising in all aspects of family law. She provides advice and representation to individuals coping with relationship breakdown and parents, stepparents, grandparents, and other concerned relatives seeking to make arrangements in the best interests of a child. Artis also helps individuals and couples looking to start or grow their family.

Artis has an LLM from S.O.A.S and obtained an Executive MBA with distinction from CASS Business School. She applies her knowledge of business and finance to Divorce cases and uses her experience working as a senior child protection lawyer in local government to children’s cases. She completed the Children’s Panel course in 2014.

Artis can help with:

Divorce, dissolution and financial remedies on separation
LGBTQIA family law related issues
Fertility law and Surrogacy
Child arrangements (contact, sole or shared residence) and enforcement
Disputes around relocation, holiday travel, name change, medical treatment, religion and schooling (specific issue or prohibited steps orders)
International Child Abduction
Local Authority involvement (child protection/safeguarding concerns)
Adoption and special guardianship applications
Domestic violence injunctions
FGM and Forced Marriage protection orders

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (care proceedings and adoption) Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)

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