Emma Charlotte Evans

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HM3 Legal

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Family Law Solicitor at HM Legal | Happy to contacted on 07391 015059 or via email at ece@law.uk.com

I specialise in Private Children Law dealing with both agreed arrangements and contested Child Arrangement Applications, to include specific issues, prohibited steps applications and relocation applications. I pride myself on providing an efficient, comprehensive, professional and friendly service to all clients. I like to make sure my clients feel fully supported throughout the time I am working with them and, most importantly, listened to.

I also take instructions in respect of divorce applications and relationship breakdowns, financial arrangements and applications, preparation of cohabitation agreements or pre-nuptial agreements.

I am expanding my practice areas to include Surrogacy Law following my return to work from maternity leave in May 2022.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)

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