Jennifer Lee

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Clarke & Son

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job-title-icon Solicitor

address-icon Manor House, 8 Winchester Road
RG21 8UG,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 01256 320 555


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I firmly believe separation and divorce do not need to be adversarial, especially when children are involved.  Clients appreciate my approachable, pragmatic advice and my commitment to achieving their goals with tenacity and practical solutions.

As well as being a member of Resolution, I am also a qualified as a One Couple One Lawyer (Resolution Together) specialist.  This allows me to advise both parties jointly and work towards a tailored settlement that benefits the entire family (where appropriate).

Before joining Clarke & Son in 2021, I practised in Farnborough, often advising couples where at least one partner worked in the military or NHS.  I recognise the added complexities these professions bring to family matters.

I primarily specialise in: Relationship breakdowns, financial settlements and complex children’s matters.

I deal with each matter empathetically and with the understanding that each situation is unique and there are no ‘one size fits all’ solutions to your future.

Recent Highlights

  • I recently advised a client wanting to relocate with their child to another area of the UK.  The parents could not reach an agreement, and a Court application was needed.  These types of cases are complex and involves the Court carefully weighing up and balancing the reasons both for and against such a move; and what is in the child’s best interests.  My client was successfully granted permission to relocate and managed to secure the child’s first place for school on appeal.
  • I have also recently acted for a client who had separated from their partner.  They were unmarried but had purchased a property together for renovation purposes – however their cohabitation agreement did not include provision for this.  I successfully achieved a settlement for them which took into account the financial and physical investment they had solely made to the property.

Personal Interests

I enjoy taking part in Ultra Challenges often raising funds for local charities, running and hiking across the UK and spending time with my dog.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)

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