Jo O'Sullivan

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O'Sullivan Family Law

member-icon Member

job-title-icon Solicitor, Mediator, Director

address-icon Suite 305, The Dock Hub, Wilbury Villas, Hove
BN3 6AH,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 07780 676212


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My preferred medium is to work with clients and their partners around the table or virtually by internet video e.g. Zoom or Skype. I do not believe that writing letters/emails is either productive or cost effective.

I am a very experienced collaborative solicitor. Here  I work with the other lawyer with you both to create solutions that suit your family.  Often , it is cheaper and even more effective to work with a family consultant and I usually work as part of a team.

I am also an accredited mediator, again, working with you both to sort things out for you and your children. We may also work with a child inclusive mediator to hear directly from the children.

Using the Hybrid model of mediation I can have your lawyers work with us from the start and all the way through.

I do not actively go to court but sometimes I am on the receiving end of an application and I will do all I can to keep the acrimony to a minimum and focus on solutions.

I will usually try to agree to use Arbitration rather than issue at court. The court has come to be a very slow and ineffective solution for clients and is best avoided.


Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
Finance issues All issues Children issues
Other services
Offers mediation information and assessment meetings (MIAMs) FMC Member

Accreditations & memberships

External accreditations & memberships

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