Katharine Baker

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Newstead & Walker Solicitors

member-icon Member

job-title-icon Family Solicitor and Mediator

address-icon Mercury House, Mercury Row, Otley
LS21 3HQ,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 01943854703

mac-icon http://www.newsteadwalker.co.uk

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I provide  empathetic yet efficient and practical advice relating to all family matters including divorce or cohabiting partners, including finances and children related issues.  I aim to try to find ways to resolve matters that meets your own needs but without unnecessary conflict and by looking at all alternative ways of resolving the issues including offering mediation services and also collaborative law.  I also sit as a Deputy District Judge, part time.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
Children issues Finance issues All issues
Other services
Offers mediation information and assessment meetings (MIAMs)

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