Lottie Kent

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True Financial Design

member-icon Associate

job-title-icon Award Winning Chartered Financial Planner and Resolution Accredited Divorce Specialist

address-icon Parkhill Business Centre, Wetherby
Wetherby, West Yorkshire,
LS22 5dz,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 07824554288

mac-icon http://www.truefinancialdesign.co.uk

  • Resolution accredited specialist
  • Offers free advice
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As a Chartered Financial Planner who specialises in divorce, I help you:

  • Visualize your future using our “Visualise your future” process so you can see a picture of potential outcomes and scenarios before you commit to them
  • Understand your current financial situation (whether that be what is in the joint pot or by yourself) and ensure you fully understand the different financial aspects and what they mean
  • As a Pensions expert, I help your Solicitor, Mediator and you understand the types of pension you have and any complexities that may arise when splitting them on divorce
  • I show you what you need financially to be OK in the future and are there as a sense check for your solicitor too
  • I help you and your ex establish how to best split the pot in the most efficient way so you both receive what you need and wasn’t as much as possible
  • The end of divorce, is the beginning of your new life.  At this stage we create a simple plan to help you achieve financial security for the rest of your life
  • We help you process pension sharing orders and create a bespoke plan for your financial settlement designed to meet your future objectives

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation)
Other services
Member of Only Mums & Only Dads family panel

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Cashflow modelling and budgeting Core - Part 1 - FA Pensions Portfolios - Part 2 - FA
External accreditations & memberships

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