Nazia Rashid

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Rayden Solicitors

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address-icon The Civic Building, 323 High Street, Epping
CM16 4BZ,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 020 3773 3919


  • Resolution accredited specialist
  • Offers fixed fee interview
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I have significant experience in divorce and financial cases and act for clients involving high net worth individuals with assets here and abroad, to modest money cases where it is essential that needs are met. I regularly act for clients who are being denied contact including parental alienation cases or cases involving serious allegations of harm including drug and alcohol abuse. I frequently advise clients in respect of relocation of children (whether within England and Wales) or abroad, and represent applicants and respondents in special guardianship matters.

I will take a robust approach in domestic abuse cases and am an accredited Resolution specialist in domestic abuse cases and advanced financial provision. My cases include serious allegations of physical, financial, sexual and emotional harm both to a parent and children.

I am often recommended to individuals seeking a solicitor who is sensitive to the cultural and religious pressure or abuse that one might be encountering during a relationship breakdown. This pressure could either originate from a party to the marriage or relationship or other individuals, for example, a family member or influential community member.

I take a keen interest in cases deemed as ‘non-marriage / non qualifying ceremony’ cases often because it is a religious only marriage. The pressure and confusion that sometimes follow, might prevent one from taking appropriate court action.

I also mediate between separating couples and take a proactive approach. Issues of culture and religion are dealt with sensitively and appropriately.

I won the Family Law Award – Family Law Associate Solicitor of the Year.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
All issues

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Complex lower income financial remedies Domestic Abuse

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