Peter Turnbull

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United Kingdom

  • Resolution accredited specialist
  • Offers free advice
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I am a Resolution Accredited Specialist financial adviser and I have focused on helping people going through divorce for over 8 years. I provide technical support during the divorce process and ongoing advice (post-divorce) to help people make the most of what they have.

I have experience drafting and reviewing hundreds of pension sharing reports and I am regularly asked to assist with complex pension sharing cases.

Notable achievements: Financial Advisory Individual of the Year (Citywealth Future Leaders Awards (2022))

For lawyers

I provide training and guidance on pension issues arising on divorce. I am happy to talk simply about the UK pensions landscape and highlight issues to discuss with your clients, or provide detailed analysis of reported cases where pensions played an important role.

I am also happy to attend mediation sessions, or act as a shadow expert and offer tactical guidance on matters such as: assisting with letters of instruction, disclosure issues, and reviewing and commenting on reports provided by other experts at no cost.

Quote from a Partner in a national family law firm: The advice he is giving in the background on some of my cases is pretty extraordinary and of a different level and calibre than anybody I’ve come across before”.

For individuals getting divorced

I have a very carefully and intentionally designed financial advice process for helping people during and after their divorce. In summary, I help by:

  1. Reviewing your existing financial arrangements (income, investments, pensions, etc.) against your current and future spending needs to help calculate what you need from the divorce.
  2. Informing your settlement negotiations by providing analysis on any offers you are considering accepting or making , showing you whether the offer will meet your needs and what changes you might consider.
  3. Supporting you and your lawyer with pension negotiations- my advice in this area has resulted in some clients receiving hundreds of thousands of pounds more than they were expecting. Usually, this is by helping people to agree on the value of pension assets, whether they should be included or not, and how to split them in the most tax-efficient way.
  4. Building a financial plan that helps to align what you have (and may receive) with what you want. This involves setting sensible investment and spending plans that serve your goals.
  5. Implementing pension sharing orders, helping you to invest any lump sum orders, and setting up any insurance policies we agree may be suitable for you.

For many clients, the divorce represents the first time they have had to take responsibility for making significant financial and investment-related decisions. Recognising this, I have designed some simple guides that I share and discuss with my clients to help build their financial knowledge and confidence.

Areas of advice: pensions, investments, income planning, financial protection, estate planning,  tax-efficient investment schemes, and cash flow modelling.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation)

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Cashflow modelling and budgeting Pensions

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