Battrick Clark
Head of Family Private Law
151 Whiteladies Road Clifton, Bristol
BS8 2RA,
United Kingdom
011 79731391
- Offers fixed fee interview
I have practised family law for over thirty years, in courts throughout England and Wales. I am a keen court advocate and usually attend all court hearings for my clients, whenever possible. This provides consistency of representation for them. I have appeared in the High Court and represented clients in the Court of Appeal. My clients have been local, national and international.
My area of expertise is throughout the broad remit of family law, not just in relation to relationship breakdowns, but also, advise regarding financial settlements, court proceedings relating to finances, but also arrangements regarding children and proceedings.
I am often asked to advise clients as to protecting their wealth, through pre-nuptial, post-nuptial and living together Agreements.
I have excellent professional relationships with barristers, so I can ensure that clients have the consistent approach in their case.
My view is that whenever possible, picking up the telephone to the other party’s solicitor is the best way of resolving disputes. I actively encourage clients to take a conciliatory approach to the relationship breakdown. I will be with the client through this emotional and sometimes traumatic experience, with pragmatic advice and with the final goodbye, to be a positive life changing event.