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Taylor Walton

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job-title-icon Solicitor

address-icon Taylor Walton Solicitors, TW House, Station Approach
AL5 4SP,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 01582 390454

mac-icon https://taylorwalton.com/

  • Resolution accredited specialist
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As a divorce solicitor, of many years, I am aware that there is no “one size fits all” solution when a relationship ends. Every case and every client is unique and I have acquired qualifications and experience which enable me to offer a range of options to each individual situation.

I am Resolution member with expertise in cases involving complex financial settlements and cases specifically concerning children. I also trained as a collaborative lawyer.

I am experienced in advising on the specific complexities presented in farming families upon separation. I also have extensive experience working with clients who are in the Armed Forces and, as the daughter of an RAF Officer I have an insight into service life.

My experience in advising on cases concerning children is considerable, and includes successfully opposing the permanent removal of a child from the UK, crafting workable Parenting Plans for children after separation and advising on adoption.

I find enormous job satisfaction in assisting clients to identify their own priorities and finding more creative solutions than the court-based process has traditionally allowed. I have supported several clients using a speedier, personalised arbitration route and others who have used mediation and hybrid mediation However, where Court Proceedings are necessary, I have a successful track record.

I have recently begun training to become a Family Law Supervisor with FLIP to offer support to other family lawyers in recognition that self-care of the lawyer will not only benefit them but also their clients, peers and other professionals with whom they work. I am also part of an award winning fabulous family law team.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Complex lower income financial remedies Children Law - Private

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