Submit a Nomination

Entries for the Resolution Awards 2025 are now open.

You can nominate yourself or someone else, however nominees must be a current Resolution member. The only exception is the Resolution Lifetime Achievement Award, you cannot self-nominate for this category.

Please note: The nomination form cannot be saved in stages, so please complete your application offline and paste it into the form when you are ready.

You are encouraged to read the award criteria before submitting an application as this is how the judges will assess entries.

Alongside the application, we will also accept supporting documents which may include but are not limited to articles, journal entries, interview clips.

If you have any questions, please contact before submitting your entry. Nominations received after Sunday 8 June will not be accepted.

Tips for a good awards entry – from last year’s judges

Stand out entries had

  • looked at the specific award criteria for that category and given clear evidence of how they met each of the criteria
  • thought clearly about Resolution’s code of practice and how the examples showed the Code of Practice in action
  • explained specific details of the nominee’s actions and the positive impact on others
  • added colour through testimonials from others, or similar supporting evidence

Resolution Awards 2025 – Nomination Form

  • Please provide a brief biography of the nominee. You may wish to include current role, any voluntary positions held, qualifications or accolades achieved.
    0 of 1200 max characters
  • You may wish to think about “S.T.A.R” – Situation/Task/Action/Result
    Situation – Describe the context or the background
    Task – What needed to be done and what was the nominee’s role?
    Action – What did the nominee do to complete the task?
    Result – What were the results/outcomes generated?
    0 of 4500 max characters
  • 0 of 2500 max characters
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 2.