In Parliament for Good Divorce Week

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Resolution was in Parliament this week to facilitate a roundtable discussion with MPs about the family court backlogs as part of Good Divorce Week.

Resolution’s national chair Juliet Harvey chaired the meeting with Siobhain Ballie MP, who was a family lawyer (and Resolution member) before entering Parliament, sponsoring the event. Representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Cafcass, Relate, Advicenow and Support Through Court were also present.

A productive conversation ensued between Resolution, MPs, and other organisations who work with families in the justice system about what can be done to relieve pressures on court and ensure families get access to early advice and information.

During the roundtable discussion, Sir Bob Neill MP, chair of the influential Justice select committee, spoke about the problems caused by court delays and he made clear that the committee is keen to help and make representations to the government on this issue.

Alex Cunningham MP called for advice and information on family matters to be universally available – not just for those who can afford it. Alistair Carmichael MP, a solicitor before entering Parliament, said courts were the absolute worst place to end a marriage and early legal advice is vital for families to find other avenues to separate.

As well as being in the room with MPs in Westminster, we’ve also seen MPs like Tonia Antoniazzi and Jo Stevens sharing their support for Good Divorce Week online. Thank you to everyone who has contacted their MP to get them to support our campaign.

We know lots of members are meeting their MPs this week to raise the issue of court delays, be sure to use our MP briefing.