Resolution welcomes an end to the blame game

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Resolution welcomes the news from the Ministry of Justice that the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill is being reintroduced into Parliament. Following commitments to retain the Bill in the December Queen’s Speech, government should be commended for recognising the importance of this legislation and the impact its swift passage will have on separating couples.

Long-time campaigner and former Chair of Resolution Nigel Shepherd said:

“We welcome the reintroduction of this vital piece of legislation.  After a series of false starts last year, we are delighted that Government has chosen no-fault divorce as the focus for one of its first Bills tabled in the new Parliament.

“For far too long, far too many couples have been effectively forced to assign fault during the divorce process in order to satisfy outdated requirements. The current system encourages separating couples to engage in a ‘blame game,’ and is entirely at odds with the non-confrontational approach Resolution members take under our Code of Practice.

“It’s high time this changed, and with this legislation, our antiquated divorce laws will be brought up to date – helping divorcing couples and, most importantly, any children they may have, avoid unnecessary conflict.

“Resolution members have been calling for reform for over thirty years. We hope this legislation – which has support from politicians from all parties, professionals, the public and senior members of the judiciary – will now be passed without further delay and that we can finally end the blame game for good.”