Photo of light bulbs group with shining fibers in a shape of HELP, SUPPORT, ASSISTANCE, GUIDANCE concept words isolated on black background

Recover stronger, together

In times of crisis, you look to your family - Resolution is your professional family

Join Resolution for free online training – worth £5,000

We know how challenging the family law profession has found the global pandemic with additional burdens on firms and the day-to-day work of family justice professionals changing almost beyond recognition.

Firms cannot afford to abandon professional development, and yet many are struggling financially. That’s why we’ve decided to support them by making hundreds of hours of online training available to members, free of charge, until the end of the year.

This is part of Resolution’s commitment to supporting family justice professionals, their firms, and their staff; helping them to develop new skills and tap into the collective expertise we hold within Resolution.

Join Resolution for access to free online training

Resolution members lead the way in providing professional development and networking opportunities, cutting-edge resources and in lobbying government for a fairer family justice system. With over 6,500 members, Resolution is the largest organisation for family justice professionals in England and Wales.

Claim your free online event

View Resolution's Finance update - free of charge

We are offering you the opportunity you view our recent Finance update 2020 - worth £120 - free of charge.

Delivered by industry experts, and taking in to account developments since lockdown, it is an important update for the entire law profession. Topics covered include:

Marital agreements • Cross-border jurisdiction issues • Procedure • Enforcement and emergency remedies • Businesses on divorce • Child support • Set aside applications • Part III proceedings • Pensions • Costs • Beneficial ownership • Income • Trusts on divorce • Non-disclosure • Occupation of the family home

Claim your free Finance Update

How our training helps professionals like you

  • 87%

    helped by Resolution training

    87% of members said Resolution helps their professional development in our most recent survey

  • 160+

    hours of free training

    Over 160 CPD-equivalent hours of online content has been made available for free to all members, with more added each month

  • £5,000

    worth of online content

    The amount of content already available is worth £5,000 to each member - all included as part of your membership fee

More ways Resolution is supporting members and their businesses

close up on man hand holding smartphone with futuristic of social media marketing icon for internet network technology and business concept

We boost your business profile

Our online member search tool links you with potential clients, with over 5,000 searches every month. Showcase your work and the accreditation you hold.

View online member search
Closeup of White and Black shaking hands over a deal.

We help acquire new clients

Joining the Family Law Panel provides you with direct access to new clients. Powered by OnlyMums & OnlyDads, it works exclusively with Resolution member solicitors, legal executives and mediators.

View the FLP
Doubtful unconvinced african american hr manager talking to caucasian applicant at job interview feeling skeptic rejecting seeker skill, bad first impression, lack of experience or failed performance

We help you support clients

Our Guidance Notes provide clear and practical advice to support your client-related work, from drafting documents to safeguarding children and young people.

View Guidance Notes

Join Resolution and develop yourself and your business

Resolution is committed to supporting members so that they can drive their business forward. Diversify your skill set and stay updated, with continued and uninterrupted access from the leading provider of continuing professional development in family law.

A selection of online training - available free for Resolution members

Digital working and client relationships

Learn how to maximise the conversion of new client enquiries in a time of remote connection. Includes how to connect with clients online and customise your approach for each client.

Lawyers in the hybrid mediation process – all you need to know

For family lawyers with no or limited experience of the hybrid mediation process. Learn about the process and what is expected of the lawyers working within it.

Working with modern families

An introduction to the law on parenthood and gender identity for gay, lesbian and transgender and children. Covers best practice when working with modern families, including terminology, key issues to consider and good client care.