Download your free Wellbeing Report
A thought-provoking and industry-wide report on the wellbeing of family justice professionals by Resolution, in association with LawCare, the Association of Lawyers for Children, the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, the Family Law Bar Association, and the Legal Aid Practitioners’ Group.

Improving the wellbeing of all family justice professionals
We are pleased to be able to share with you our report into Wellbeing in Family Law. Available free to all, this report sets out the key findings from our 2020 sector-wide wellbeing survey highlighting the wellbeing issues faced by professionals – both before and since COVID-19. Calling on both quantitative and qualitative data, as well as personal accounts, this report provides a detailed, yet sobering, picture of wellbeing in family justice today while also signposting Resolution and partner resources that may help those experiencing similar issues.
How to access your free Wellbeing Report
If you are already a Resolution member, you can access the Wellbeing report here. If you are not a Resolution member, simply provide your details and we will email you a copy of the report.
A sector coming together to tackle wellbeing
Mental health in the workplace has long been an integral part of Resolution’s training and support programme, and a regular topic at conferences. However, wellbeing is not an issue that only Resolution members face nor an issue we can tackle alone. That is why we are delighted to present this report in association with LawCare, the Association of Lawyers for Children, the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, the Family Law Bar Association, and the Legal Aid Practitioners’ Group.
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Working together, we will use the report findings to identify the interventions that can best support all the professionals we exist to serve. This process begins right here and now, with some of our plans outlined in the final section of this report.
“I want to congratulate Resolution for taking the lead and putting mental health and wellbeing at the top of your agenda, we are proud to partner with you on this.”
Elizabeth Rimmer, Chief Executive, LawCare
Join the Resolution community
Resolution is the leading membership organisation for all who work in family justice. Our members lead the way in providing support to family justice professionals on the key issues affecting the profession. Join us today and be part of this 6,500 strong community who look after each other.
Why change is needed
facing wellbeing issues
Almost 9 in every 10 of the 1,200+ survey respondents have experienced negative wellbeing issues as a result of their work.
have considered leaving the profession
More than half of those surveyed have considered leaving the profession in the last three years due to concerns about their wellbeing.
Our Wellbeing Report also contains real life stories from family law professionals

Jay's story
Jay first felt the strain of his profession on his wellbeing just over a year after qualifying as a solicitor. His mental health then spiralled downwards, after a traumatic experience with an at-risk client, and a stressful long-term case.
Read Jay's story
Lila's story
Lila, a barrister at a Western Circuit chambers, had seen work gradually affect her wellbeing but found it hard to admit she was struggling. Eventually, after three weeks of almost total sleep deprivation, she found herself unable to go in to the office.
Read Lila's story
Georgia's story
When Georgia qualified as a barrister, she fulfilled an ambition she’d held since childhood. But the pressure and scrutiny of pupillage made it a very anxious time, and nearly cost her her life.
Read Georgia's story
Tell others about the report
Wellbeing is such an important issue and we would like to share this report with all involved in family justice. We are keen that this report reaches beyond our own membership so please help us to spread the word and encourage your colleagues and friends who work in family law to download their copy of this wellbeing report.
Tell a friend or colleague