**NEW** An Overview of Family Finance and Pensions on Divorce – 3 October 2024 (Online)

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Trainer: Simon O'Connell
Trainer: Jayne Wildish

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3rd of October 2024 (online)

**NEW** An Overview of Family Finance and Pensions on Divorce

As sorting out finances on divorce are likely to impact almost every couple, this new module provides the key points to focus on and understand from the beginning to get a clear road map of options and areas to consider. How best to move forward quickly and efficiently using the full range of available opportunities.

The Introduction to Family Finance and Pensions on Divorce module will provide baseline knowledge, awareness and understanding of:

  • Key points from The Pensions Advisory Group’s Guide to the treatment on pensions on divorce 2nd edition
  • How Cash Equivalent values are calculated on divorce and why they do not always represent ‘fair value’
  • Implications for a couple if they have an associated business
  • Understand investment risk and the different types of investments
  • Taxation on divorce


Other related issues

  • Understand how different money personalities effect decision making and how to work with them
  • Understanding financial behaviour and divorcees attitude to money
  • The importance of budgeting pre- and post-retirement
  • An overview of the different types of pensions
  • A summary of the report – Fair Shares? Sorting out money & property on divorce
  • Recent court judgements regarding pensions on divorce to help you with negotiations
  • Overview of the results from the Retirement Living Standards report
  • Different types of protection for the family and options on divorce
  • Mortgages and Mortgage Capacity Reports


Other new courses now available

  • Initial Meetings – how to work with potential client/s from the very beginning. Designing services to their needs and situation (including integrated service), and assisting them to make affordable choices using the full range of available opportunities.
  • Supporting Clients, Supporting Ourselves: Prioritising Mental and Emotional Health Awareness in Family Practice– providing an understanding of some of the difficulties that can arise from separation and divorce, conflict and change and how these may impact on families, whilst managing your own wellbeing.
  • Responsibility for Children: Our role as family lawyers – providing baseline knowledge, skill, critical awareness and understanding of the effects of parental and family separation/change.

Click here for more information and bookings


Any queries, please contact: training@resolution.org.uk


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£275 + VAT

  • Pensions| -Oct-24 Price £330
