Webinar: Access to family justice internationally during the Covid-19 crisis – Part 3

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Following on the success of our previous webinar, this session will consider family court closures internationally across another six jurisdictions Hong Kong, Kenya, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Dubai, Russia and Italy, in the response to Covid-19 and how each is providing access to justice.

15 May 2020 – 10-11am UK time

We will discuss the current situation regarding the global access to family justice during the extraordinary times we live in.

This webinar will consider family court closures internationally across another six jurisdictions in the response to Covid-19 and how each is providing access to justice.
It will consider issues such as:
  • When the lockdown has come into effect across different jurisdictions, in particular regarding access to courts and education
  • The current level of access to family courts at first instance and at appeal level
  • How technology and remote access is being facilitated in different jurisdictions
  • Patterns of court closure in holiday periods and how urgent cases are being managed


  • Sarah Lucy Cooper – England & Wales
  • Samantha Gershon – Hong Kong
  • Anthony Gross – Kenya
  • Karen O’Leary – Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
  • Byron James – Dubai
  • Svetlana Garcia – Russia
  • Manuela Tirini – Italy

Download the materials:


View previous recordings

You can view the recordings of the previous two webinars.

Part 1: (recorded on 23 April) which considered the following jurisdictions: Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Poland, Singapore and Spain.

Part 2: (recorded on 4 May) which considered the following jurisdictions: USA, Chile, Malaysia, Scotland, France and South Africa.

In the same way, the recording of this webinar will be shared.

This event has ended.

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