Claire Colbert

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Family Mediation and Mentoring

member-icon Member

job-title-icon Accredited Mediator

address-icon Family Mediation and Mentoring LLP, c/o 9 Worton Park, Cassington
OX29 4SX,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 07548824933


language-icon British Sign Language

  • Resolution accredited specialist
  • Offers fixed fee interview
  • Offers free advice
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Working as an accredited family mediator I specialise in helping couples and families in dispute. Before setting up Family Mediation and Mentoring, I worked for over 20 years as a specialist family lawyer. I understand in great detail the issues involved with separation, divorce and family disputes. I am the author of the Which Guide to Divorce and Splitting up (2010) and the Which Divorce Guide 2015 and am co-chair of the Resolution Parenting After Parting committee.

At Family Mediation and Mentoring LLP we offer a variety of mediation options and we can meet with children as part of the process. I am also Hybrid mediation trained, enabling mediation to take place with lawyers present.

Our focus is to facilitate the resolution of any issue involving family breakdown, separation, divorce and its financial consequences, arrangements for children and any other kind of family dispute. Our aim is to keep people out of court and their legal fees to a minimum.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
Children issues Finance issues All issues
Other services
Offers mediation information and assessment meetings (MIAMs) FMC Member

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Complex lower income financial remedies Children Law - Private
External accreditations & memberships

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