Deborah Davies

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SE Solicitors

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job-title-icon Director

address-icon The Old Courthouse, 5 Sheep Street
OX26 6JB,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 01869 222310


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I have a great deal of experience in divorce, finances and children law and a special interest in working with victims of domestic abuse.

I have been a committed member of Resolution for over 25 years. I have been recognised as a specialist in Family Law since 2001 when I was admitted to the Family Law Panel.

I am ranked by the UK’s leading legal directories, including by The Legal 500 2023 as a recommended family lawyer.

I know that I improve outcomes for clients by reducing conflict. I believe that giving clear, frank advice at an early stage helps clients make the best decisions. I am also a firm believer in team working and a consistent approach.

I have delivered training on domestic abuse and acting for clients who lack capacity in financial remedy proceedings to other solicitors.

My specialisms:

  • Finances on separation for married and unmarried couples
  • Divorce and dissolution
  • Children
  • Civil partnerships
  • Pre and Post Nuptial Agreement
  • Domestic abuse


Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)

Resolution Committees

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