Emma Bugg

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Horizon Mediation

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job-title-icon Family Mediator

address-icon Suite 19 STANTA Business Centre,, 3 Soothouse Spring,
St Albans,
AL3 6PF,
United Kingdom

tel-icon 07899847707

mac-icon https://www.horizonmediation.co.uk/emma-bugg-2/

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Emma Bugg is a highly experienced family mediator and lawyer.

Emma Bugg has worked with separating families in the St Albans, Harpenden and Hemel Hempstead area for over 30 years; first as a Solicitor, then continuing her journey into Dispute Resolution training as a Collaborative Lawyer in 2005, and then working as a Family Mediator since 2010. Emma achieved the family mediation ‘gold standard’ with accreditation by the Family Mediation Council and Law Society in 2013. This means that Emma can also conduct Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAM.) Emma is able to conduct her mediation practice online and in person.

Emma is qualified to see children as part of the mediation process (CIM) and also works as a supervisor to other mediator colleagues as a Professional Practice Consultant (PPC.) Emma also completed the Resolution training in February 2018 in using an advanced Hybrid mediation practice model, whereby the lawyers of separating couples can have a more direct and constructive role in the process.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Children (divorce and separation) Finances (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
All issues
Other services
Offers mediation information and assessment meetings (MIAMs)

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