Graham Coy

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Wilsons Solicitors

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SP1 2SB,
United Kingdom


  • Resolution accredited specialist
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Thank you for sparing time to look at my professional profile.

I hope that you find it helpful.

If you have any questions do please e-mail me at or call me on 020 7998 0420 or 01722 412412.

I am more than happy to have an initial short meeting which I will not charge for and to do so face to face  or remotely by Zoom, Teams etc.

I have been a specialist family lawyer for over 30 years.

During that time there have been many changes to the way in which we work and represent our Clients. Nearly all of those have been for the better.

They have included changes to the law, the introduction of pension sharing on divorce, Civil Partnerships and same-sex marriage.

There have been developments in the way in which Judges have interpreted and applied the law, endeavouring to make sure it keeps up to date with changes in our society and culture.

The Court process has become less intimidating and at the same time we have developed new methods of finding resolutions away from the Court arena, including Mediation and Arbitration.

But most of all we have learned so much more about relationship breakdown, how difficult it can be for our Clients to deal with emotionally and how children are affected by their parents separating.

All of this makes us better able to look after our Clients.

My expertise involves advising in relation to Divorce for opposite-sex and same- sex couples, complex financial issues ( high earning individuals, significant shareholdings in public and private companies, large and small businesses including those with complicated share and ownership structures, trusts on and off-shore, as wells as those cases where assets have been built up before marriage or after separation or through inheritances.

I have also specialised in cases involving arrangements for children, parental alienation, and where a parent wants to relocate with the children either within this Country or abroad.

My approach is to get to know my Clients, respect and understand them and aided by my advice help them to make their own decisions as to what they can realistically expect to achieve.

Being practical and “down to earth” saves time, money and delay and that approach is one I have developed when helping Clients agree the terms of pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements in tandem with Colleagues advising in relation to wills and tax planning.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
Children issues Finance issues All issues

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Advocacy Private Law Children Children Law - Private

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