James Pirrie

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Family Law in Partnership

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  • Resolution accredited specialist
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James Pirrie Web Profile

“It’s about helping clients to make wise choices: identifying and pursuing the options now that will continue to make sense three months, three years or even thirty years down the road. This involves giving those who entrust us with their instructions the time they need when they need it and ensuring we have the technical knowledge, the resources and the contacts that will help clients to manage the challenges well and within a budget they can afford and always putting safety and any children at the core of what we do. ”

Expertise ←

James is a divorce lawyer offering clients intelligent service whether through representation & negotiation / litigation / collaborative / mediation / arbitration or one-lawyer process and who has built particular expertise around:

  • Court procedure & experts
  • Dispute resolution and negotiation
  • Enforcement
  • Companies, tax, investments and pensions
  • Spousal periodical payments
  • Child support and provision under Schedule 1 of the Children Act
  • Meeting the needs of children during the transition and in the aftermath; and
  • Connecting to other specalists that clients may need to manage their situations in the best way possible.

He writes and presents on these topics and has responsibility for knowledge development, precedents and training at FLiP.

The leading legal directories Chambers UK, Chambers HNW and The Legal 500 UK have all listed James as a top ranked, leading individual in the field of family law and family mediation for many years.

Legal 500 UK ranks James in its “Hall of Fame” noting that he is “the leader in Child Maintenance and Schedule 1 cases – knows more than any practitioner – barrister or solicitor – and works phenomenally hard with immense energy” ; “truly outstanding“; and “breathtakingly knowledgeable”.  Legal 500 2024 notes that James “wears his encyclopedic legal knowledge lightly. Hugely impressive.”

Comments on James’s family mediation expertise include: “James has huge amounts of energy! Indefatigable – which in the context of working in a mediation is a key requirement. He is very personable – clients love him and more importantly they trust his input” and “James has a very approachable and down to earth manner. He is hugely knowledgeable in family law and relays this in a way that assists in the mediation”.

Ranking James as a Leading Individual for both family law and as a family mediator, Chambers HNW notes: “James is incredibly bright. He thinks outside of the box in terms of finding solutions” and “James is phenomenal. He’s so enthusiastic and is an encyclopaedic resource.” Earlier editions note: “With his mind like a razor, he will see through to what the next sensible step to take is. He will enable people to see that they are in control of their lives; he is very facilitative” and “He is hugely, hugely experienced and massively talented. He has got a supremely industrious brain and is always thinking of creative solutions.” 

James has also been ranked as a Top Recommended Family Lawyer by The Spear’s 500 Guide 2023. The 2023 edition of UK Best Lawyers has also ranked James as a ‘Best Lawyer for family/matrimonial work’. James was named Family Law Commentator of the Year 2023 in the prestigious Lexis Nexis Family Law Awards.

James is recognised throughout the country for his leadership in alternative dispute resolution.

  • He was one of the first family lawyers to train as a family arbitrator in financial issues, one of the first to train in children issues and he is a member of the online resource Family Arbitrator. He has a thriving arbitration practice, dealing with cases at hearings and on paper.
  • James is a Law Society accredited mediator, having qualified in 1989, and is also qualified in the commercial model of mediation and direct child consultation.
  • He was instrumental to introducing collaborative law to Europe and was the first non-American director of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, a membership which he continues to hold.
  • He developed the first “private FDR”, designed the round-table negotiations protocol and has been a promoter of multi-disciplinary solutions, involving accountants, financial planners and similar experts.
  • James’s initiatives also led to the introduction of the “Parenting after Parting” programme which seeks to bring the children involved in a divorce or separation centre-stage.

James is very well known for his expertise in the law relating to child support with a commentator noting that James is “undoubtedly this country’s expert on child support“. James has given evidence in person before the House of Commons Social Security Select Committee to talk about the practical impact of the introduction of the new Child Maintenance Scheme and he is a regular contributor to Nuffield and the Creating Paths to Family Justice Programme.  He is a regular contributor to government enquiries. Chambers HNW 2022 comments:  James Pirrie is the king of child support; what he doesn’t know about child support isn’t worth knowing”…. “He’s remarkable; he’s thoughtful, analytical and considered in his advice, but also creative and novel.”

James has undertaken the financial planners’ training (up to FPC and G10) and has written for and delivered lectures to the legal and accountancy professions on a range of financial/ matrimonial issues. He writes and lectures on conflict resolution, negotiation, experts, child support, financial provision for children (Schedule 1 cases), maintenance variation, enforcement, emergency procedures and financial remedies. James is accredited in finance and cohabitation cases by Resolution and has set the child financial accreditation paper for many years. James has contributed to a range of publications including as lead-author of  “Safe Routes to Child Support (2011), “Claims under schedule 1 (2013) and (2023), “Towards the Light: A Way Through Divorce and Separation” (2017), a handbook for individuals going through a divorce and separation, he co-authored Resolution’s Guidance Note: First Directions Appointments (2018) and Instruction of Accountants Experts (2018), contributed to Sofia Thomas’ Tax Implications of Family Breakdown (2020 and 2023)  and “The red book” (2023,2024&2025)

Offering ←

James’s goal is to provide better beginnings for his clients. He summarises his approach as follows:

  • Committed
  • Available
  • Hard-working
  • Technical
  • Far-sighted and strategic
  • Well-connected
  • Professional and discreet

The Promise:

The client is first in all that we do. We promise to recognise the trust that you place in us and:

  • Help you clarify your priorities, explore all the options as to how they might best be achieved and help you to identify the way forward
  • Give clear advice as to your rights
  • Identify the best people, services and teams who will help you to secure your goals (even if it is not us); and
  • Take no further step without your say so – you are in control but where steps are taken to work with you efficiently and effectively.

Representative Matters ←

James’s work includes:

  • Acting on various CSA (now CMS) cases involving applications to the Upper Tribunal.
  • Acting as a mediator in a wide range of disputes from substantial financial issues between city couples to the equally challenging high-needs & scant-resources cases and was identified as an acknowledged expert by Mostyn J in his judgment TW v TM [2015] when recommending mediation in a never-married finance case.
  •  Being appointed on 29 (to end 2024) arbitration cases, from financial needs cases to child-relocation.

Reported Cases ←

James’s reported cases include:

  • Advising the wife on the ground-breaking case of McFarlane v McFarlane which went to the House of Lords and which established the now common approach to dealing with uncertain income by percentage, banding and applying a cap.
  • Acting on numerous arbitrations, including S v S [2014], the first judicial announcement on the nature and effect of financial arbitration orders.

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
All issues Children issues Finance issues
Offers arbitration for
Finance issues Children issues
Other services
Offers mediation information and assessment meetings (MIAMs) FMC Member

Accreditations & memberships

Resolution accreditations
Cohabitation & TOLATA Complex higher income financial remedies Financial Provision for Children
External accreditations & memberships

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