National Conference 2023 – workshop proposals

We are now calling for proposals from Resolution's committees for the National Conference to be held 19-20 May 2023. If you would like to contribute, please fill in the form below.


Following the success of the 2022 event, Resolution are pleased to announce that we will be running the 2023 National Conference both in person and online.

Typically, the National Conference runs each year in a different location in the country. This year the conference will run on 19-20 May 2023 in Brighton.

We’d like to hear from you

We would welcome proposals from all across the Resolution community. If you’d like to discuss your proposal first, please contact Kimberley Carvalho –

When submitting a workshop idea, please consider:

  • Workshops are 90 minutes.
  • Whether you would be willing to deliver it online or face-to-face. It may be that we contact you to further discuss the best fit.
  • Whether you would prefer to cap the number of delegates that can attend your workshop. If you do, we will do what we can to ensure this. However, we may request flexibility on this.

The deadline for submissions is: Friday 2 December 2022

National Conference 2023 - Workshop Proposals

  • Contact information

  • If applicable
  • If applicable
  • Workshop information

  • This is the description which is likely to be published in the programme to advertise the workshop (max 100 words)
  • What do you want delegates to learn as a result of attending your workshop?
  • Please provide a brief overview of the format and content covered by your workshop. Each workshop lasts for a maximum of 90 minutes
    Please indicate whether you would prefer to run your workshop face-to-face or online. It may be that we contact you to further discuss the best fit.
  • If you have any further information or materials about the workshop, please attach them here. For example, if you've already delivered this workshop it is helpful to see the materials you prepared to deliver the workshop.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • Workshop presenters

    • Please name the presenter or presenters below with bio information and or links to online bios you wish to bring to our attention.