Template social media posts for Awareness Week 2023

Feel free to copy, paste and amend these template posts to your social media and raise awareness of our Vision for Family Justice.

Please bookmark this page and continue to refer back to it over the coming weeks, as we will be adding various posts that you can share on your social media platforms.

  • I’m proud to support @ResFamilyLaw and this year’s #AwarenessWeek (27 Nov – 1 Dec). Resolution has launched its Vision for Family Justice, highlighting the changes its members want to see, to create a system that is fit for the future. #ResVision https://bit.ly/3QByOXM
  • During #AwarenessWeek, @ResFamilyLaw launched its Vision for Family Justice, highlighting the changes its members know need to happen in order to create a fairer family justice system for all. #ResVision https://bit.ly/3QByOXM
  • This year, to celebrate its 40th Anniversary, @ResFamilyLaw is using #AwarenessWeek to launch its Vision for Family Justice, focusing on the need for cohabitation reform and the importance of early legal advice. #ResVision https://bit.ly/3QByOXM
  • Over the last 40 years @ResFamilyLaw has helped to make divorce less confrontational. Their Vision for Family Justice highlights a number of changes they want to create a system that works for its members. #ResVision https://bit.ly/3QByOXM
  • On Monday 27 November, @ResFamilyLaw launched its blueprint for a future family justice system, unveileing its members’ Vision for Family Justice, at a special parliamentary event. #ResVision
  • The family justice system is at a crucial turning point. During @ResFamilyLaw’s #AwarenessWeek we’re pushing for changes that need to be made in the short, medium and long term, in order to create a fairer family justice system for all. #ResVision https://bit.ly/3sJPuob
  • To mark our 40 year anniversary, we have published our ‘Vision for Family Justice’ setting out where and how changes need to be made to address the current issues facing the family justice system. https://bit.ly/3sJPuob
  • In @ResFamilyLaw’s Vision for Family Justice, the vast majority of members identified cohabitation as the next priority area for reform. #ResVision calls for a whole raft of changes to policy, legislation and processes in order to improve the lives of children and families. https://bit.ly/3sJPuob
  • Cohabitation reform and funding for early legal information and advice form the crux of @ResFamilyLaw’s #ResVision, that forms the building blocks for ongoing and future policy development. https://bit.ly/3sJPuob
  • The family justice system is at a crucial turning point. @ResFamilyLaw’s #ResVision for Family Justice calls for a whole raft of changes to policy, legislation and processes in order to improve the lives of children and families. https://bit.ly/3sJPuob
  • New research from @ResFamilyLaw has found most people back a change in the law to give cohabiting people more rights. Around half (47%) of cohabitees are unaware that they lack rights should they split up. #ResVision https://bit.ly/40XUrpT
  • As @ResFamilyLaw looks to the future during #AwarenessWeek, it’s clear that reforming the law around cohabitants rights on separation to ensure they have proper legal protections is both vital and widely supported. #ResVision https://bit.ly/40XUrpT
  • Cohabitation reform is a hugely important cornerstone of @ResFamilyLaw’s Vision for Family Justice. #AwarenessWeek polling from Resolution shows overwhelming backing for a change in the law. 47% of cohabitees are unaware that they lack rights should they split up. #ResVision
  • Polling from @ResFamilyLaw shows overwhelming backing for a change in cohabitation law. That is why this #AwarenessWeek, we are campaigning for cohabiting couples to have at least basic rights on relationship breakdown or death of their partner. #ResVision
  • Reform of cohabitation law forms the centrepiece of our @ResFamilyLaw’s Vision for Family Justice. 74% of cohabitees agree that ‘the current laws surrounding cohabitation are unfit for today’s modern society’. #ResVision https://bit.ly/3sJPuob
  • 75% of @ResFamilyLaw members support a change in the law to provide basic rights to cohabiting couples. 1 in 3 cohabitees fear they would be made homeless or forced to rely on benefits if their relationship ended. It’s time for change. #ResVision https://bit.ly/40XUrpT