Alison Bull

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Mills & Reeve LLP

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job-title-icon Partner, Family Lawyer, Children & Financial Arbitrator, Mediator & Collaborative Lawyer

address-icon 1 Circle Square, 3 Symphony Park, Manchester
M1 7FS,
United Kingdom

tel-icon +447918942652


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I am an experienced family mediator, collaborative practitioner and a lawyer, passionate about helping sort things out for you without going to court if possible, and very used to handling complex, conflictual situations. I help individuals and couples sort out divorce, financial settlements (particularly where there are businesses assets, trusts, pensions and international assets), and parenting plans and other arrangements for their children. I meet with children and young people in the mediation process so that they have a voice in the arrangements for them. I am also a children and financial arbitrator, so can help you by making decisions for you if you can’t agree and would rather not go to court.

Others have said that I am “absolutely fabulous and mediates some very tricky situations with high profile individuals. She brings her formidable legal brain and people skills to mediation and helps clients achieve good outcomes”,  “I can thoroughly recommend Alison…. The outcome was as good as I had hoped for….I always felt in safe hands even when the going was tough.”

Out of court services offered

Areas of work
Finances (divorce and separation) Children (divorce and separation)
Offers mediation for
All issues Children issues Finance issues
Offers arbitration for
Finance issues Children issues
Other services
Offers mediation information and assessment meetings (MIAMs) FMC Member

Accreditations & memberships

External accreditations & memberships

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