Invite your MP to discuss our Vision for Family Justice

Annual Awareness Week 2023 is a fantastic opportunity for you to discuss our Vision for Family Justice with your Member of Parliament.

Help us spread the word about our Vision for Family Justice during Awareness Week 2023, by asking your MP to meet with you. Find out who your local MP is and get their contact details by entering your postcode here.

Our Vision for Family Justice sets out the changes we want to see, as we stand up for and support family justice professionals in creating a system that works to protect clients in your area.

Let the Resolution communications team know if you have written to your MP and if you’ve received a response, please forward it onto us.

If you are planning to meet with your MP during Awareness Week or the weeks that follow, please do let us know. We will be on hand to share briefing notes with you, that contain our key messages and asks.

The following template has been designed to send to your local MP. The sections highlighted in bold italics should be personalised accordingly.

Download Template in Word


Subject: Publication of Resolution’s new Vision for Family Justice

Dear [insert full name] MP,

I am writing to you as a constituent, and as a member of Resolution – a community of family justice professionals who work with families and individuals to resolve issues in a constructive way – to make you aware of the publication of Resolution’s Vision for Family Justice.

The Vision for Family Justice was launched at a special parliamentary event, hosted by Siobhan Baillie MP, on Monday 27 November.

I would welcome the opportunity for a short discussion with you during Resolution’s Awareness Week 2023 (November 27 – December 1) to explain more about our Vision for Family Justice and the changes we would like to see to the family law arena, as well as some of the support available for separating couples who may contact you seeking help.

I would be delighted to present this paper to you in person: if you’re not able to meet during the week, I would be happy to email you a copy of the Vision and meet at a mutually convenient time in the near future.

Our ‘Vision’ will be published to mark Resolution’s 40th anniversary and sets out a blueprint for where changes need to be made to the family justice system. Crucially it will highlight the urgent need for cohabitation reform, as well as early access to legal advice and ways to ease the burden on the family courts.

For 40 years, Resolution members have been supporting couples to reduce conflict, creating more amicable, long-lasting solutions that would benefit them and any children they may have.

Notably, Resolution successfully campaigned for no fault divorce, allowing couples to separate without having to apportion blame. No fault divorce finally became law in April 2022.

I hope you will lend your support to our Awareness Week and I look forward to meeting with you soon.

If you would like to learn more about the Vision for Family Justice please contact Resolution communications team

Yours sincerely,

